Welcome to Our Website!
For over ninety years, members of the Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. have worked with vigor, tenacity, courage, and conviction in service to the greater Los Angeles community.
Welcome Message From Our President
Greeting sorors, community partners, friends, and visitors! Welcome to the Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated Website!
My name is Wilda W. Tillman, President of the notable Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter! The chapter has been a staple in the Fabulous Farwest and Los Angeles County since our historic chartering on June 16, 1929, led by ten forwarding thinking, intelligent, charter members which include our beloved Founder Wertie Blackwell Weaver.
As the first alumnae chapter in the Farwest Region, our history includes over nine decades of legacy driven, impactful women! We continually embrace the sorority's emphasis on scholarship, sisterhood, service, and social action in our Five-Point Programmatic Thrust, through our programming, activities, and community partnerships.
Our legacy includes being the home chapter to the 13th National President of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., Geraldine Pittman Woods; Past National Second Vice President, Chelsea C. Hayes; Past National Treasurer, Betty S. Williams; eleven Farwest Regional Directors; two Regional Representatives, and many regionally and nationally appointed committee members, chairpersons, and co-chairpersons.
The Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter will continue the advancement of excellence while impacting our communities throughout the 2024-2026 biennium, our theme “Live the Legacy and Leave an Impact: Connect with Purpose and Advance the Mission: Sisterhood, Social Action, and Economic Empowerment”. This mission is in direct alignment with the Grand Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority’s International President and Chair, Board of Directors, Soror Elsie Cook-Holmes vision of, we are “committed to advancing social change, amplifying our global impact, and strengthening our sisterhood.”
For sorors who are searching for a chapter home, the Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter without hesitation, welcomes you! We meet on the first Saturday of each month from October-June at 10:00 a.m. We look forward to greeting you with the Spirit Delta!
Let this digital portal of the Los Angeles Alumnae Chapter be a resource for our community members, chapter members, and public service entities as we connect with purpose, advance the mission and promote social change for all!
“Live the Legacy and Leave an Impact:
Connect with Purpose and Advance the Mission:
Sisterhood, Social Action, and Economic Empowerment”
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